Developer Relations Engineer for Timefold, Java Champion and leader of the Belgian Java User Group. Tom has a decade worth of experience delivering systems and loves to share not only knowledge but also passion for our craft.
You can read more at his blog (http://www.tomcools.be) or follow him on Bluesky (@tomcools.be).
LLMs have made remarkable progress, which might suggest they're the answer to everything. However, when it comes to everyday tasks like creating work schedules they tend to fall short. As a result, humans often end up creating a schedule manually, which is usually far from optimal.
Fortunately, there’s a lesser-known branch of AI that excels at complex scheduling. In this talk, we’ll discuss Timefold, a Java based open-source AI solver, and you'll discover how it leverages magic (aka math) to generate optimized schedules.
With a series of live demos, you’ll see this form of AI in action and walk away equipped with a powerful new tool for your problem-solving toolbox.
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