/ Talk
Nous n'allons pas se cacher, l'IA a marqué la version 17 de GitLab avec son projet GitLab Duo. Mais durant l'année, d'autres features ont été développées.
Ce BOF sera l'occasion d'échanger avec vous sur les features de cette version de GitLab, celles à venir et de répondre à vos questions.
Que vous soyez utilisateur·trice de GitLab ou tout simplement curieux·se d'avoir des informations autour de cette plateforme DevOps, vous êtes les bienvenu·es, cette session est avant tout un moment de partage et d'échange 👋.
Ce BOF sera l'occasion d'échanger avec vous sur les features de cette version de GitLab, celles à venir et de répondre à vos questions.
Que vous soyez utilisateur·trice de GitLab ou tout simplement curieux·se d'avoir des informations autour de cette plateforme DevOps, vous êtes les bienvenu·es, cette session est avant tout un moment de partage et d'échange 👋.
Kevin Davin
Google Developer Expert on Google Cloud & Kotlin, Gitlab Hero, I am above all passionate about tech, languages, infrastructure, and automation.
On a daily basis, I work with languages such as Kotlin, Java, SQL, and YAML.
Leveraging the power of the Google Kubernetes Engine and GitLab's Continuous Integration, I deploy and manage applications seamlessly.
I am an ardent advocate of agility and DevOps, and I had the privilege of guiding teams in adopting these principles successfully.
From code quality analysis to unit or end-to-end tests setup all the way to continuous deployment and operation, I ensure a project's journey from inception to production is smooth and efficient.
Currently, I serve as a Principal Software Engineer at Gradle, focusing on the development of Gradle Enterprise. This groundbreaking product enhances developer productivity by reducing build and test times, while also providing valuable insights into all aspects of the development process."
On a daily basis, I work with languages such as Kotlin, Java, SQL, and YAML.
Leveraging the power of the Google Kubernetes Engine and GitLab's Continuous Integration, I deploy and manage applications seamlessly.
I am an ardent advocate of agility and DevOps, and I had the privilege of guiding teams in adopting these principles successfully.
From code quality analysis to unit or end-to-end tests setup all the way to continuous deployment and operation, I ensure a project's journey from inception to production is smooth and efficient.
Currently, I serve as a Principal Software Engineer at Gradle, focusing on the development of Gradle Enterprise. This groundbreaking product enhances developer productivity by reducing build and test times, while also providing valuable insights into all aspects of the development process."
Matthieu VINCENT
Sopra Steria
* All my contributions are available on https://me.yodamad.fr
* TechAdvocate @ Sopra Steria
* Platform Engineering Leader @ Sopra Steria
* Co-Founder of Volcamp IT Conference @ Clermont-Fd (https://volcamp.io)
* Speaker since 2022 @ Devoxx, Snowcamp, Breizhcamp, ...
* GitLab Hero
* R2DevOps Ambassador
* Open-source owner of svn2git tool (https://github.com/yodamad/svn2git) & gitlab-emoji (https://github.com/yodamad/gitlab-emoji) & heimdall (https://github.com/yodamad/heimdall)
* TechAdvocate @ Sopra Steria
* Platform Engineering Leader @ Sopra Steria
* Co-Founder of Volcamp IT Conference @ Clermont-Fd (https://volcamp.io)
* Speaker since 2022 @ Devoxx, Snowcamp, Breizhcamp, ...
* GitLab Hero
* R2DevOps Ambassador
* Open-source owner of svn2git tool (https://github.com/yodamad/svn2git) & gitlab-emoji (https://github.com/yodamad/gitlab-emoji) & heimdall (https://github.com/yodamad/heimdall)
Jean-Philippe Baconnais
**Consultant @Zenika Nantes**
Plongé dans le développement avec l'éco-système Java, curieux de nature, j'aime découvrir et expérimenter de nouvelles technos back end ou front end et les partager autour de moi.
Dév ZenikaNantes
#GitLabHeroes 🦊 | Community Hero @Gitpod | ⛅ Google Cloud Champion
Co-orga HumanTalks Nantes | Meetup GitLab France
http://nantes.community | http://jeanphi-baconnais.gitlab.io
Plongé dans le développement avec l'éco-système Java, curieux de nature, j'aime découvrir et expérimenter de nouvelles technos back end ou front end et les partager autour de moi.
Dév ZenikaNantes
#GitLabHeroes 🦊 | Community Hero @Gitpod | ⛅ Google Cloud Champion
Co-orga HumanTalks Nantes | Meetup GitLab France
http://nantes.community | http://jeanphi-baconnais.gitlab.io