12th édition – du 17 au 19 avril 2024
3 jours de conférences, 70 exposants, 4500 visiteurs par jour

Price 2024

Quelles sont les différentes formules exposantes 2024 ?

Prix 2024 :

See below our sponsorship packages for 2024. Each level offers two kinds of badges: exhibitor or conference. See the following page to get more details about each badge.

33 000 €
21 m2 empty stand to be arranged by you
One 45mn slot presentation (with Q&A)
One tweet to announce your participation on our Devoxx France twitter account
8 Exhibitor badges (access to the exhibition hall only)
8 Conferences badges (full access)
3 messages to insert in one of our newsletter (500 char. max)
Your logo on the Diamond area of the Devoxx France web site
Your logo on YouTube 2024 videos
20 000 €
A booth of 12m2 with 2 or 3 pre-built walls (cannot be dismantled) and lights. Empty with one table 2 chairs.
One 45mn slot presentation (with Q&A)
One tweet to announce your participation on our Devoxx France twitter account
6 Exhibitor badges (access to the exhibition hall only)
4 Conferences badges (full access)
2 messages to insert in one of our newsletter (500 char. max)
Your logo in the Sponsor area of this web site

All prices are without the French V.A.T of 20%. As a physical trade-show in Europe, Devoxx France must collect the V.A.T for European based companies. Non-European companies are not elligible to V.A.T and thus, will pay the net price.

(*): Unless COVID-19 restrictions are applicable or mandatory during the event 

How to become a Sponsor or Exhibitor?

Steps to become a sponsor

  1. Send us an email to [email protected] with your choice of formula
  2. we prepare an electronic contract to be signed via Docusign
  3. the contract is signed
  4. we prepare the invoice
  5. the invoice is paid
  6. ... and we can then announce that your company will be an exhibitor at Devoxx France

The choice of your boothlocation is determined by the payment date..
